All we know de Sloth
Letra de All we know
All we know
All we see is all we know
and all we know we see
deep inside i thought you knew me
all we know we see
All the seeds we've planted bloom
into our new orleans
lonely faces staring at me
all we know we see
Now i am the one who
now i am the one who sees through you
now i am the one who
now i am the one who sees through you
All the steeples standing proud
in spite of darker days
blues keep raining
child's playing
all we know we see
Now i am the one who
now i am the one who sees through you
now i am the one who
i'm trying to find you
standing beside you
i am the one who sees through you
All we see is all we know
and all we know we see
Now i am the one who
now i am the one who sees through you
now i am the one who
i'm trying to find you
standing beside you
i am the one who sees through you
i am the one who
who sees through you
Traducción de All we know
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