Home alone de Special D.
Letra de Home alone
I say yeah yeah yeah yeah
I say yeah yeah yeah yeah (pump up the volume)
Holiday yeah
Special D man now (put your hands in the air)
Today is the day school is out one holiday
Mum and Dad are not at home it's partytime I'm home alone
As all my friens will come, shake that bums and have some fun,
The party's over here
Pump up the volume (hey hey )
Today is the day school is out one holiday
Mum and Dad are not at home it's partytime I'm home alone
As all my friens will come, shake that bums and have some fun,
The party's over here
Put your hands in the air!
All the ladies all around, gettin' cheeky on the sound
So guys get on the floor take a drink and grab some more,
The neighbours can not sleep, cuz that stumpin pumpin beat
The temperature is high, Special D makes you fly
Put your hands in the air!
(hey hey )
Put your hands in the air!
Today is the day school is out one holiday
Mum and Dad are not at home it's partytime I'm home alone
As all my friens will come, shake that bums and have some fun,
The party's over here
Pump up the volume
All the ladies all around, getting cheeky on the sound
So guys get on the floor take a drink and grab some more,
The neighbours can not sleep, cuz that stumpin pumpin beat
The temperature is high, Special D makes you fly
(Special D man )
Put your hands in the air!
Pump up the volume
Traducción de Home alone
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